It’s going to take 100 years at the current pace to achieve gender equity among the highest executives in the food industry. That was the premise of a…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo used the occasion of the ticker tape parade for the U.S. women’s soccer team in Manhattan to sign two bills Wednesday that will make it…
The Buffalo Common Council is again looking at a gender equality law for the city and city government, with a crowded public hearing Tuesday night in the…
In 1950, women made up less than 30 percent of the workforce. By 2015, women accounted for nearly half. Here's a look at the current state of women in the labor force.
Employers who pay workers a living wage can apply for certification in a program that will encourage customers to patronize enrolled businesses.Living…
Arts & CultureThe entire month of March is devoted to Women's History. Locally, the Erie County Commission on the Status of Women is holding its 5th year of events to…