An assortment of agencies gathered Tuesday to celebrate the completion of the renovated Buffalo River Ohio Street Fishing Access Site.
Commuters frustrated with the detours around the Skyway have a sympathetic ear in Congressman Brian Higgins. Though the re-decking of the bridge has been…
Demolition may start on a decrepit waterfront landmark as early as next week after Buffalo's Planning Board on Monday approved Ellicott Development's…
Western New Yorkers are well familiar with helicopter rides over Niagara Falls. But Buffalo's waterfront has gained so much parkland, expanded marinas,…
When Peg Overdorf bought land along Ohio Street in 2006 for a park, there were a lot of people who thought she was crazy because everyone knew if Ohio…
Buffalonians could worry less about sewer pipe overflows if storm water never gets into the sewer system. The city is spending millions on green…
Go back two years and Ohio Street in Buffalo's First Ward was a crumbling road in a dying neighborhood, flanked by buildings which were either falling…
There are signs of yet another building project along Buffalo's burgeoning Ohio Street Corridor. Developer Sam Savarino admits it wasn't many years ago…
Ohio Street is once again open to traffic between Buffalo's inner and outer harbors. The transformation of the old industrial corridor into a…
A lot of attention has focused on projects at Canalside. But a one-time industrial neighborhood not far from HarborCenter could see major spinoff benefits…