It has been almost three years since Ciminelli Real Estate was named the designated developer for the parking lot at 201 Ellicott St. in downtown Buffalo.…
The fight over parking for the proposed major affordable housing in the heart of downtown Buffalo continued Monday before the city Planning Board.The…
The planned Ciminelli Real Estate development at 201 Ellicott in downtown Buffalo may call for 201 apartments of affordable housing, but most of the talk…
When downtown Buffalo was at its lowest, parking wasn't a problem. Now, with development and the Green Code not having mandatory parking requirements, the…
The redevelopment of a city-owned parking lot into a downtown supermarket and mixed use space is in a potentially lengthy design phase. City of Buffalo…
A downtown parking lot is being turned into a sizeable mixed-use complex that will include 200 housing units and a Tops market.The City of Buffalo had a…
Ciminelli Real Estate has agreed to be the City of Buffalo's "designated developer" for the 201 Ellicott Street project. The site, across from the Hotel…
Mayor Byron Brown said the city has received three proposals for a new grocery store at 201 Ellicott Street on a site that is currently a parking lot.…
Residential space in downtown Buffalo remains a hot commodity. Will that trend transfer into demand for a downtown grocery store? On WBFO's Press Pass,…