Instead of a typical Producers' Picks program that includes highlights of previous interviews, today our producers have picked three intense interviews on opioid addiction and treatment. Jay Moran talks with Nick Gazzoli, Senior Program Director at Horizon Village, "Karl" a 27-year old in the residential treatment program at Horizon Village, and Horizon Health's Parent and Family Support Coordinator Colleen Babcock. Today's program is in conjunction with a statewide public media overdose epidemic initiative. The effort also includes the premier of “Love in the Time of Fentanyl” on WNED PBS’s INDEPENDENT LENS Monday, February 13, at 10:00 p.m. A special screening of the documentary, including a NARCAN demonstration and various overdose prevention resources, will be held at our studios on February 16 starting at 5:30.
Funding for The Overdose Epidemic was provided in part by the New York State Education Department.