Arts & CultureChadwick Boseman, the star of Marvel Studios’ “Black Panther,” died at the age of 43 on Friday after a private, four-year battle with colon cancer.…
Arts & CultureAs the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic continue to affect all in Western New York, the news regarding flattening of the curve, the number of…
The coronavirus has shut down the world with jobs lost and doors shuttered, including the film industry. In recent years in Western New York, we have seen…
The film industry in Western New York, like most other businesses, has been shut down because of COVID-19. On this week's Press Pass, Buffalo Niagara Film…
A major new film, Guillermo del Toro's "Nightmare Alley," began production in Buffalo this week. On this week's Press Pass, film commissioner Tim Clark…
Arts & CultureThe Association of Film Commissioners International has elected Tim Clark, film commissioner for the Buffalo Niagara Film Office, as its new board…
The changes in the workplace in the 21st century are many. We’re in a gig economy populated by freelancers and technology lets us work from home, automate…
Heavy hitters from the film industry will be coming to Buffalo in the coming year. Buffalo Niagara Film Commissioner Tim Clark says plans and details are…
The film industry in Western New York has shown remarkable growth over the past several years and shows no sign of slowing. This week's announcement by a…
Let’s say you’re making a movie and you want to film on the Grand Island Bridge. The only thing standing between you and your great scene is a little car…