The finances of Buffalo Public Schools wound up last fiscal year $18 million better than expected, although still a deficit.The school system's basic…
Buffalo Public Schools are looking at a budget for next year with a lot more spending than revenue. This comes as the schools are expecting an increase in…
After 12-long years without a contract, the Buffalo Teachers Federation and city school district reached a tentative deal late Sunday night. WBFO's senior…
City teachers held a mass rally Wednesday after years of little movement in talks between the Buffalo School Board and the Buffalo Teachers Federation.…
After a major negotiations victory, the head of the Buffalo Teachers Federation said there could be a contract in time for a mass meeting of teachers in…
Buffalo teachers have been without a new union contract for the last 12 years. But over the past decade there has been a major change in education. In…
The decade-long fight between Buffalo's school system and the Buffalo Teachers Federation over a contract surfaced at Wednesday's Buffalo Board of…