Original Purple Heart documents awarded to a World War II soldier from Buffalo were presented to his family Saturday by Congressman Brian Higgins.…
Under a perfect blue sky on a giant portico overlooking Lake Erie, Daniel Shaw's Purple Hearts were delivered yesterday on Purple Heart Day, symbols of…
It took 100 years, but Pvt. Walter Rydzewski of Lancaster has finally received the Purple Heart and other medals he earned during World War I. Local…
Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns is expanding local services and recognition for veterans of the United States military.Kearns announced, on Thursday, the…
Friends and family to deceased war veteran Corporal Robert J. Smith gathered in West Seneca Sunday morning to recognize him for his contributions during…
As Bob Franz recalls, "The year 1966 didn't start out too well for me." As a new soldier in Vietnam, Franz was wounded on two separate occasions in the…