The candidate has started to reemerge on the campaign trail. His response to and the administration's handling of the coronavirus and protests over racial injustice seem to help him in the polls.
New York’s Democratic presidential primary is back on now that a judge has thrown out a decision by the state Board of Elections to cancel the election.…
The Vermont senator is exiting the 2020 race, bowing to the commanding delegate lead that former Vice President Joe Biden has established.
Sunday's debate has just two candidates — Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden — and no live audience, because of concerns about the spread of the coronavirus.
Tuesday's contests offer 352 delegates among six states. Michigan is the biggest prize, and it could be another pivot point in this Democratic primary.
"I will have a lot more to say on that subject later on," Warren said regarding the role of gender in the campaign. She dropped out after disappointing results on Super Tuesday.
After a disappointing Super Tuesday, the billionaire former mayor of New York City announced he is suspending his campaign.
Just ahead of the single most important day of the Democratic primary, former Vice President Biden picked up the endorsements of two former rivals.
Fourteen states are voting in the presidential primary on Tuesday, with 1,357 delegates at stake. Follow the latest updates.
The 38-year-old rose from being mayor of a midsize Indiana city to mounting a serious Democratic presidential run. He was the first openly gay candidate to win delegates in a presidential race.