Organized sports have been proven to be especially beneficial to youngsters, whose bodies are still growing and minds are still developing. They benefit…
Pendleton Town Highway Superintendent Jeffrey Stowell entered a guilty plea in Niagara County Court Thursday to a misdemeanor count of official…
The Town of Pendleton's highway superintendent has been arrested for misusing town equipment, materials and employees for his personal use. Niagara County…
A North Tonawanda man has been accused of stabbing a family member in the neck. The Niagara County Sheriff's Office says Cory Ochterski, 40, has been…
A new $500,000 playground is now open in Pendleton - but this is not just any playground. The family who raised the money for the project say for the…
A 10-year-old Pendleton boy died Tuesday after he became trapped in the 15-foot-high snow bank he was playing in.Emergency personnel responded to a family…
The Niagara County Sheriff says 44-year-old Christopher Wright surrendered to authorities Thursday morning without incident and has been charged with…
Starpoint Central Schools in Pendleton are expected to resume normal operations Thursday - however, extra security will be in place - after a lockout went…
The Niagara County Health Department is issuing a rabies alert for anyone who worked at the Lakeview Animal Sanctuary over the past six months.…
An accident in Pendleton late Friday night has led to a DWI charge under Leandra's Law.The Niagara County Sheriff's Office reports that Louis Friedly…