New York could soon become the 10th state to ban the manufacture and sale of cosmetics tested on animals. But pending legislation at the federal level may nullify such laws in New York and elsewhere.
Gov. Kathy Hochul wants to build a lot of affordable housing, but she said there are barriers to that unless developers are offered tax breaks similar to the 421-a program that expired earlier this year.
In less than a month, Kathy Hochul will give her first State of the State address as a governor elected by the voters, and she’s already given some hints about what she will make a priority.
Ambulance parts, air filtration systems, and much more: The state of New York auctions equipment purchased for the COVID pandemic that it no longer needs.
Gov. Kathy Hochul has until Dec. 23 to select a candidate for a new chief judge from a list of seven names chosen by a commission.
Now that Gov. Kathy Hochul has signed into law a temporary ban in New York state on some types of crypto mining, the state's environmental agency will begin a review to see whether the practice is too harmful to the climate to continue.
New York's Adult Survivors Act took affect Thanksgiving Day. Victims of alleged sexual abuse have a year to file a claim in court against their abusers, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred.
Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation on Monday that would allow college student-athletes in New York to receive compensation for endorsements and athletic participation.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul decried the rise in violence and domestic terrorism in New York and the nation, and signed two bills into law that she says will takes steps toward trying to prevent it.
Nearly two years after the governor and legislature approved a law to allow the sale and use of marijuana for New Yorkers 21 and older, the first licenses to sell cannabis were granted by the state’s Office of Cannabis Management.