We asked NPR photographers to share their favorite pictures and their thoughts about photographing Tiny Desk concerts in 2024.
In 2024, GloRilla, Latto and Doechii all delivered landmark rap albums. Not just because they had the best bars, but because each trusted themself enough to make an artistic and commercial leap.
After Taylor Swift posted on Instagram after the presidential debate, saying she was voting for Kamala Harris, her link to Vote.gov garnered 13 times as much engagement as the site typically sees.
The magnetic bond between Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, partners in life and in music, has always been central to their songs. On their latest album, the "we" becomes existential.
The Gallagher brothers had a longstanding feud for decades, and the band broke up for good in 2009.
Famously feuding brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher have announced an Oasis reunion, 15 years after its dramatic breakup. Here's a brief timeline of their tumultuous history — and how they got here.
"If I have to define my music in any way," Nick Cave says, "it's religious music." His new album is a gallery of encounters with spiritual, possibly divine figures, not all of whom are benevolent.
As the sport makes its Olympic debut in Paris, a small crew of dancers from Ukraine look forward to representing their war-torn country and its rich culture on the world stage.
On his latest album, the Atlanta rapper, who swept the hip-hop prizes at this year's Grammys, continues to turn personal turmoil into testimony.
From TikTok feeds to television, breakout performances at Coachella and Governors Ball, the rising pop star has felt inescapable — and for good reason.