Film producer Harvey Weinstein is scheduled to appear virtually before Erie County Court Judge Kenneth Case for an extradition proceeding Monday…
New York State's attorney general and lawyers in a class-action lawsuit say Harvey Weinstein and his former studio's board have reached a nearly $19…
Jurors in Manhattan spared the 67-year-old former producer the harshest penalty he might have faced but convicted him on two out of five counts. He faces the possibility of decades in prison.
New York State has expanded the statute of limitations for second and third-degree rape. The time allowed to report the crime is not unlimited, as with…
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is expected to move toward launching a 2020 presidential campaign within days by forming an exploratory committee, according to…
Backlash is building in conservative circles in reaction to the fight over the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. It could energize GOP voters, with midterm elections just over a month away.
The disgraced Hollywood megaproducer turned himself in to authorities Friday morning in New York City, where he was charged with rape and sexual misconduct for incidents involving two women.
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is the latest high-profile male to face accusations of sexual misconduct during the #MeToo era. An…
Victims of childhood sexual abuse are hoping that the #MeToo movement will help them enact the Child Victims Act in New York. The measure extends the…
"Together we resist. Together we rise up. Together."Activist and college professor Tanya Loughead led the chant, early in Sunday's Women's Solidarity…