The Buffalo Niagara Partnership delivered its annual list of wants and needs Thursday to a very different political environment.The Advocacy Agenda is an…
"Canada does not believe that ad hominem attacks are a particularly appropriate or useful way to conduct our relations with other countries," said Canadian foreign minister Chrystia Freeland.
The theme of the president's first State of the Union speech on Tuesday will be "building a safe, strong and proud America," and he will highlight economic growth and other successes of the past year.
Less than one week into the renegotiation of NAFTA and Donald Trump has already threatened to blow up the agreement. The president told a campaign-style…
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says she hopes New York State legislators will vote against Buy American provisions in their budget and warns that if they…
Canada now has a new trade deal with the European Union that can hurt American companies trying to compete in Europe.An American trade deal with the EU is…