If marijuana becomes legal for adult use in New York state, the new industry is expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue. But…
Talk of a trade war, between the U.S. and Canada, is raising concerns among government and business leaders on both sides of the border and organized…
For the first time ever, the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, the regional chamber of commerce, has released a survey showing how employers view the area's…
The Buffalo Niagara Partnership delivered its annual report to members Thursday morning, announcing an initiative to fine-tune job skill development in…
Western New York business leaders are praising the passage of workers’ compensation reforms in this year’s state budget.On Wednesday morning, State…
At least one person in the University at Buffalo Center for the Arts did not agree Monday when Governor Cuomo's State of the State message included a…
Scores of community leaders turned out Wednesday at Larkinville for a big-picture view of regional business. Buffalo Niagara Partnership President Dottie…
Buffalo's status as the Queen City of the Great Lakes started slipping with the St. Lawrence Seaway's opening in 1954. But after a recent meeting downtown…
As snow clean up continues many are still stuck inside their homes during a week where holiday shopping would usually begin, but as soon as streets are…
With many local businesses struggling to find skilled workers in technical fields, a local assemblyman is pushing legislation that would create a new…