Cariol Horne's pension quest moved forward a little Tuesday, with a vote by the Buffalo Common Council.Horne was tossed out of the Buffalo Police just…
Former Buffalo Police Officer Cariol Horne will receive her full pension, as a long legal fight came to a close Tuesday.State Supreme Court Judge Dennis…
Nearly one month after it passed in the Common Council, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown on Wednesday officially signed the policy known as Cariol’s Law into…
Arts & CultureFriday morning, Buffalo artist, singer and songwriter Drea D’Nur released her latest album This Love Thing, which is co-executive produced with Chicago…
At a public hearing Wednesday afternoon, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown heard from concerned community members regarding Cariol’s Law, named after former…
Buffalo is one legal step away from having a law requiring police officers to intervene if another officer starts using too much force against someone…
Buffalo Common Council members are working on a plan that would have the police department hire full-time mental health professional to aid officers on…
It isn't clear whether former Buffalo Police Officer Cariol Horne will ever get her pension, but Common Councilmembers on Tuesday moved closer to using…
Supporters of a Buffalo police reform law named for an ousted officer are calling on lawmakers to state publicly whether they'll support it. Those backing…