Five days into the new fiscal year, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders say they have a “conceptual agreement” on a new state budget. If the deal…
In a report issued this week, State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli identified some positive elements in the state's fragile economic recovery. His analysis…
The COVID-19 pandemic caused many governments to raise, or consider raising taxes to account for deficits. That includes places like Nashville, Chicago,…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that, after several months of asking Congress for state aid, New York is now at the end of its rope and could be forced to…
State lawmakers will make it home for Easter as a new budget was passed late last night. The $168 billion spending plan contains new sexual harassment…
The economic comeback that has inspired so many in Buffalo of late includes significant investments by local developers. Historic buildings are being…
Buffalo's fiscal watchdog says the city needs to get out of its longtime habit of taking money from reserves to close out budget deficits. Comptroller…
Calling it "on time and balanced" for the 12th straight year, Buffalo mayor Byron Brown has released his spending plan for the city's next fiscal year. It…
Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown says he is cutting taxes, raising spending, and pushing residential construction in the city in the 2014-2015 budget he unveiled…
Buffalo has a budget for the fiscal year starting July 1 with council members making only small changes to Mayor Byron Brown's proposed spending plan.The…