A table at the Save the Michaels of the World offices is adorned with pictures of young men and women. All of them were lost to drug addiction. Save the…
New York State has set aside a record-high $247 million in the latest budget to fund opioid and drug addiction countermeasures. Senators representing…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo stopped in Buffalo on Wednesday to sign new legislation to fight the opioid crisis. Speaking to a large crowd in Evergreen Commons, a…
The news from Albany of an opioid abuse legislation agreement is being hailed in Western New York by many who are on the front lines in the fight against…
Across Erie County, local governments and activists are convening town meetings to talk about drug problems. New figures project 570 fatal drug overdoses…
The Erie County Legislature has approved County Executive Poloncarz' plan to deal with the county's burgeoning death toll for opioid use and…
An effort to save lives sparked a lengthy and heated discussion in Old Erie County Hall on Thursday. During a committee hearing on a proposed opioid…
With the alarming and rapid rise of heroin overdose deaths in Erie County, a north Buffalo man urges first responders are armed with a drug that reverses…
An effort is underway to help save people from fatal drug overdoses, which are now the leading cause of accidental death in New York State. Advocates are…