Former President Bill Clinton cast his ballot for his wife, failed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, at Monday’s Electoral College meeting in Albany. Clinton blames the loss on the Russians and the FBI.
Bill Clinton, serving as one of 29 electors in New York State, says it was the “proudest vote he ever cast.” He says his wife was undone by events late in the campaign, even after she successfully overcame what Clinton said were “bogus” charges about her private email server.
“In the end, we had the Russians and the FBI deal, which she couldn’t prevail against that,” Clinton told reporters after the vote. “She did everything else, and still won by 2.8 million votes.”
The CIA and FBI say the Russians meddled in the elections, by cyber hacking Democratic National Committee emails and other files to help President-elect Donald Trump. FBI director James Comey, in late October, said he might reopen the case again Clinton’s emails, but he did not fully clear her until three days before the election.
Also voting for Hillary Clinton for president were Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio, and numerous mayors and top democratic officials from across the state, including Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown.