Though he has yet to officially announce his candidacy in Buffalo's mayoral race, Bernie Tolbert is generating waves of reaction on the local political scene. On Tuesday, Tolbert took steps to form a campaign finance committee, though the former FBI agent has yet to decide if he is going to challenge Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown.
Meanwhile, when asked Tuesday by reporters about the potential challenge, Mayor Brown didn't miss a chance to hail his own achievements.
“The tax cutting that we have done, the responsibility budget that we have done," said Brown. "Making neighborhoods safer...that is the only thing I am concerned about. That is what I’m going to continue to focus on.”
Republican mayoral candidate Sergio Rodriguez released a statement regarding Tolbert's potential presence in the race.

“We welcome the entry of a new candidate into the race and are pleased to see democracy in action. For the first time in nearly a decade, voters will be given a choice in the general election regardless of the outcome in the primary. We are waging an issues-based campaign focused on improving Buffalo's education system, making streets safer, proper administration of the city's federal aid meant to combat poverty and curbing the historic unemployment rate, currently at a decades-high rate," said Rodriguez.