Mary Catalfamo
Some pockets of Buffalo are buzzing thanks to urban redevelopment of an unexpected kind. The recently implemented Green Code has officially legalized what…
What was once the side of a long-vacant building on Buffalo’s East Side is now a finished canvas for a bright public art project called the Welcome Wall.…
An initiative that has promoted pedal power throughout the area is celebrating its one year anniversary in Buffalo.Reddy Bikeshare officially launched in…
A new app is helping people find the graves of President Millard Fillmore, former Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, singer Rick James, and other prominent…
Rising water levels continue to be an issue from Thursday's heavy rains. The level of Tonawanda Creek in Batavia was rising Friday morning. Several roads…
Labatt USA is celebrating its tenth anniversary of being headquartered in Buffalo. In honor of the milestone, Mayor Byron Brown declared July 12, 2017…
Summer vacation has contributed to a shortage of blood donations. The Red Cross recently reported that it is 61,000 units short of the blood donations…
A political newcomer plans to challenge incumbent Republican Congressman Chris Collins in the 2018 election. Frank Smierciak II, a 26-year-old Lancaster…
A security review company that released a study ranking Buffalo as the most dangerous city in the nation for online dating has revised its numbers after…
As ride-hailing prepares to make its local debut Thursday, Erie County’s top prosecutor said he’s confident the service will help reduce drunken…