The Buffalo Catholic Diocese says it is accelerating the realignment of its operations because of the coronavirus.
The diocese has already instituted social distancing and discontinued in-person masses and other services.
The diocese has now eliminated 21 positons and reduced 3 more positions from full-time to part-time at its headquarters, the Catholic Center.
Father Peter Karalus, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, said those employees have been notified.
"While we deeply regret the very personal impact that this process of realignment will have on dedicated employees of the Catholic Center, we must assess how best to deploy the resources of the Diocese in ways that reflect responsible stewardship and which offer the greatest benefit for our parishes," he said in a statement.
Karalus said the coronavirus pandemic is expected to exacerbate the financial challenges the diocese is already confronting. He said the administrative support and outreach provided by the Catholic Center will now be carried out at the parish level.
The diocese also has created an extensive section related to its Chapter 11 bankruptcy on its website. It includes the court documents filed as part of its reoganization, for public viewing.