With the election only days away, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino and lieutenant governor candidate Chris Moss headlined a GOP get-out-the-vote rally this morning in the Main-Transit Fire Hall. These were the foot soldiers of politics, the workers who put out the signs...call voters to encourage them to vote...and then get them out on Tuesday. Astorino continued his relentless effort, urging voters to change governors to change the state...attacking Governor Cuomo's economic development policies.
"Don't fall for a promise that will not be kept a day after election day. How about a real, good economic policy that brings down taxes in the state dramatically, while making it the most competitive in the Northeast? So, we won't need gimmicks. We'll just need people to come in, and they will with their own money, and build back Buffalo and build back Western New York and build back this state., so people wopn't have to leave. They'll want to stay."
Astorino then left for a state-wide tour which winds up in Manhattan tonight.
Republican County Chairman Nick Langworthy urged his workers to get out and push the entire party ticket, assuring them incumbents will win and there will be upsets, taking posts from Democrats.