The confusing situation surrounding the proposed Delaware North Corporate headquarters is closer to being resolved.
Developer Uniland wants to build a new headquarters and hotel for Delaware North at Delaware and Chippewa in downtown Buffalo at a cost of $90 million.
It has become locked in a political storm because the developer wants $10 million in public subsidy for the project, while communities around the country are trying to lure Delaware North away from Buffalo.
Uniland said it's changing the application for subsidies, but Deputy Erie County Executive Richard Tobe reported Monday that he had yet to see it.
"We have a completed application from Delaware North Companies that is seeking a fairly standard set of benefits in exchange for the retention of 350 jobs and the creation of 65 new ones. That's teed up and could be voted on by a special meeting of the Erie County Industrial Development Agency's Policy Committee this Friday."
Delaware North Principal Jeremy Jacobs Junior suggested the jobs are pretty good, citing a payroll of $37 million for the 300 employees in the current headquarters. At the same time, he said it is a business and feels obliged to consider the out-of-town proposals.
Approval of subsidies for construction work inside the building Uniland wants to build could come as early as Monday, with Uniland's request for help arriving before the Erie County Industrial Development Agency some time in December.