New York State is making $7 million available to help homeowners recover from flooding along the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River shorelines. "As water levels remain at an historic high throughout this region, it is vital that we continue to provide relief and resources to residents and business owners who have been impacted by this unprecedented flooding,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday. "With this additional funding to provide direct aid to affected homeowners, we are ensuring that residents along the coast are able to make needed repairs to their homes and recover from the flooding."
Homeowners will be able to get up to $40,000 in aid. They will apply through municipal governments or housing organizations.
The governor previously announced the state would provide $10 million to municipalities and $5 million in small business grants for flood recovery.
State senators have approved a measure that would provide $20 million in grants to property owners and the same amount for municipalities. The proposal has been sent to the Assembly.
Meanwhile, Cuomo signed legislation Monday that lets municipalities apply immediately for emergency loans under a separate, $2.5 billion clean-water infrastructure program approved in the state budget last month.
The Governor also directed the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to implement a five-mile-per-hour speed limit to control wakes within 600 feet of the Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River shoreline as part of the state’s ongoing response to coastal flooding in the region. Vessels operating within 600 feet of shore must observe a the speed limit to reduce impacts to shoreline residences and infrastructure caused by wave action and to promote safe boating.
Residents also are being asked to report suspected price gouging to the Lake Ontario Flood Assistance Hotline at 866-244-3839. The hotline is available for residents and businesses concerned about potential price gouging or other exploitative practices by service providers in the area. The hotline will connect you to the Department of State Division of Consumer Protection.