The problem of storm water overflows has been a sore spot for many communities across the Great Lakes. Here in Erie County, the issue was on the table during a panel discussion about Green Infrastructure in the Buffalo-Niagara Region.
The panelist covered many topics including green efforts made in the community like rain barrels, installation of porous pavement and habitat restoration.
Over the years the Buffalo-Niagara region has made great strides in these areas, but environmentalists say more is needed when it comes to regulating the amount of storm water overflows.
"There’s a thing called total maximum daily loads that some other states and communities around the Great Lakes have that are incentives to get municipalities and others to implement their storm water capture," said Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper Jill Jedlicka. "We don’t have that in New York State, so that's one big challenge in terms of getting these things accelerated and in the ground faster."
The event is a part of a series taking place at different cities across the state. The next forum, hosted by the New York League of Conservation Voters Education fund next year.