The Buffalo school board is expanding an alliance of parent groups which represent parents and kids to the school system.
The school system has its Parent Congress, originally set up to be sure the District Parent Coordinating Council and the Buffalo Parent Teacher Organization were on the same page. It was expanded last year to add the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee. Now, the district is widening the alliance of parent groups to add Most Valuable Parents (MVP) and the Community Health Workers Organization.
"We look forward to working with you, the board, the school system and the teachers and the parents," said MVP's Callandra Meador.
She says the organization is focused on "empowering, educating and bringing peace and love to all the parents in our community."
Board Member Sharon Belton Cottman believes the additions will be good for the Parent Congress.
"I'm excited because each one of them has different focuses and that I'm looking forward to see the great work that each are going to do. One focused on health and related issues and services and one focused on making the parent the best that the parent can be," Belton Cottman said.
The Congress meets with Schools Superintendent Kriner Cash monthly to talk about district issues.