You may have noticed billboards popping up around Buffalo that contain phrases such as “Healing Happens in Community, Not Jail.” These come as part of the “No New Jail” movement, which aims to fight Erie County’s decision to build a brand new $200 Million Jail. The movement is focused on advocating for better conditions in the county's existing jails and how the funds for the proposed facility can be utilized for other community efforts. On today’s episode, we welcome Phylicia Brown, the Executive Director of Black Love Resists in the Rust, and Jerome Wright, the Co-Director of the HALT Solitary campaign. They sit down with Jillian Hanesworth to discuss the No New Jail movement, alternative ways to handle the mental health crisis in jails, and how funds can be better allocated to community resources.
What's Next? | Healing Not Jailing: The Fight Against a New Erie County Jail
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