City officials broke ground on a renovation project for the Walden Park Senior Complex Thursday. The $5.3 million renovation will include a new security system, energy efficient appliances, new roofing and floors.
Funding for the project was secured through public and private sources. The complex is comprised of 126 low income apartments for seniors.
Resident Elaine Noe said when the renovation is complete it will be like walking into a new home.
"I've lived here five years and I've heard about it for five years, but it's really happening and it's so exciting, everybody is excited. It's good for the community. We'll get more people to come in and I just hope everything comes true," said Noe.
Common Council President Richard Fontana said updating the senior complex will better the community that surrounds it.
"Anytime you can have senior housing close to the housing you already have is a good thing. As seniors naturally age they want to move into assisted living or into their own apartment, so they don't have the confines of a home. So it's nice to keep them in the same neighborhood so we don't loose them to the suburbs," said Fontana.
Resident Henry Hunter said he is happy to see the city working to better senior living in Buffalo.