Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy was at City Hall in Buffalo Tuesday to announce Governor Cuomo's plan to expand the DNA databank across the State.
The DNA data base would include all misdemeanor crimes and other felony crimes that were not included before.
In the past DNA has been used throughout New York State to exonerate 27 people and help capture over 2,500 criminals.
Duffy said people who commit high crimes generally commit lesser crimes first. He said having their DNA in the system could prevent them from being a repeat offender.
"This is critically important. It is about putting together a database that does two things, not only does it prove guilt with certainty it proves innocence with certainty," said Duffy.
Duffy said the data information will be shared with other states as-well.
"We all agree it is a no brainer, It's something that protects New Yorkers. It is to me a way to say with great certainty whether someone is innocent or guilty," said Lieutenant Governor Duffy.
Mayor Byron Brown said this is the biggest advancement in crime fighting technology in over a decade.
The expansion will come at no cost to taxpayers.
"Today the New York State Senate passed the DNA Databank Expansion Bill, an important step in protecting New Yorkers and modernizing the state’s criminal justice system. This critical crime fighting resource embraces technology to help protect the innocent and convict the guilty. I want to thank Senators Golden and Saland for sponsoring this legislation. I call on the Assembly to do the same so I can sign this bill into law immediately," said Governor Andrew Cuomo.