By Kate Fisher
Buffalo, NY – With a US attack on Iraq now underway, hundreds of local reservists have been called to active duty with the military.
Many of them have made arrangements with employers to keep their jobs until they return. But for reservists who are local college students, the call-ups are interrupting their education.
UB's Cheryl Taplin says the University at Buffalo has a process in place to help student reservists.
"The student has one place where they go and submit their statement along with their orders and it's taken care of from that point on," Taplin said. "And the reason why we did this is so the student would not have to go through an advisor and through someone else in order to get this done. It goes to one point."
Colleges will refund the full semester of tuition and fees for student reservists who are called to duty.
Officials say students are offered a choice of completing classes when they return, withdrawing from a particular class or having it deleted from their transcript.